The Conservatory program at the Young Actors' Theatre Camp focuses on mounting a Professional Level Production in 17 short days. The experience is one of of a kind and is designed to helped young pre-professionals have a Professional Theatrical Experience while still in their studies of the arts.
As most things at CampYATC are developed, we asked ourselves "What would be an experience that YATC could provide it's students, that no one else is currently offering?" In this case, it is a Professional Theatre opportunity for kids to be able to step in the realm of the Professionals. Award Winning Directors and Producers come forward to work with your campers to put on an absolutely amazing show! If you have more questions, please feel free to give us a call at (925)858-3548. We do not recommend the ConservatoryProgram for our first time campers at YATC but it is not out of the question. We highly recommend the program for those campers who have been to YATC before and would like to challenge themselves in this once in a lifetime course.
Please Submit your YouTube link to Shawn@CampYATC.com
Your YouTube Video should Include:
1) Your Slate – Name, Age, and if you are available to attend Session Awesome of CampYATC this Summer.
2) Your 1 Minute Song
3) Your 1 Minute Monologue
4) Three Adjectives that would describe your ideal Character to play. (ie: Complex, Hero, Stable)
Please make sure your Link is set to "Unlisted" and not to private - We won't be able to view it.
*Please note that CampYATC does NOT require an audition to attend any of its camps! The Conservatory is a very small fraction of returning campers who will participate in a production. This requires an early audition. It is open to 11-18 year olds and anyone can audition, so long as you are planning on attending Camp Awesome Session, July 7-27th.
Past Conservatory Highlights
Past Conservatory Highlights
Craving a more intensive training experience at YATC? Conservatory is the perfect place for campers to really dive in and learn about theatre in the best way- by putting on a show!
Each year, students have the opportunity to audition to be cast in a musical that is rehearsed each day at camp, leading up to a final performance on the last dat of Session Awesome. This program is run by our professionally trained Musical Theatre staff